Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Biometric security could do away with passwords

This is Suraj Karki and a first time blog user. This is my first quarter at Bellevue University with a Management Information System major. 

Found this article interesting which talks about bio metric security replacing passwords to create stronger online identity protection from hackers and cyber thieves. According to the article, analyst predict that 15% of mobile devices will be accessed with bio metrics in 2015 and the number will grow to 50% by 2020. I think introducing bio metrics to replace the password is a great idea. First, you do not have to remember all these long passwords. In addition, you do not have to worry about changing them every once in a while and there is always the risk of passwords being stolen. With the bio metrics being launched, it will only improve the security measures by making it hard for hackers. However, there is always pros and cons for everything that exists. Introducing the bio metrics might come with great security measures as well as some serious risks. If you want to read more about this topic, please follow the link provided.

Thank you,
Suraj Karki



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