Friday, March 20, 2015

Simple Security measures to have a peace of mind

The use of Internet applications to share and store our personal and official information has grown beyond the limit. Internet has made everything in our life so easier and faster as compared to few years back but this flexibility comes with so many risks. Malicious hackers all over the world use computer viruses, worms scam techniques such as Phishing, to steal confidential information compromising peoples privacy and security. The number of Cyber attacks are increasing everyday and most of the incidents are from outside sources. While the security measures are getting better day by day, hackers are getting stronger to fight the security measures. There are some simple security measures you could at least do to have a peace of mind.

1. Establish strong passwords 
2. Put up a strong firewall
3. Install antivirus protection
4. Update your programs regularly
5. Secure yours personal electronics and gadgets
6. Backup regularly
7. Monitor diligently
8. Be careful with e-mail, IM and surfing the web
9. Educate your family, friends and employees

Just taking these simple measures could save lots of valuable information taken away from you. You never know when your own stolen information could be used against you.


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